BS in Social Change & Development

College of LanguagesLiterature and Culture, housed within the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, aims to develop students with enhanced skills and elevated intellect in the domain of social sciences.

The college offers a holistic learning environment where students are encouraged to explore concepts in their own way and at their own pace. Active participation and collaborative discussion, promoted through student-centred learning in and outside the classroom, aid in creating a healthy classroom necessary for a fruitful exchange and generation of ideas.


To nurture an inter-disciplinary and comprehensive understanding of the complex problems of development and social change.


BS Social Change & Development cultivates problem and evidence-based learning approach which directs students to practically engage with the issues within our society. This program invites students to become agents of social change and in turn strengthen their community and society by resolving global/local issues.

BS in Social Change & Development

If you wish to expand your career horizons, pursuing BS in Social Change & Development is the right decision! Based on state of the art curriculum, this 4-year BS Social Change & Development (SCD) Program provides students with a wide range of careers prospects both locally and internationally that contribute in social change at varied levels. The SCD Program intends to nurture an inter-disciplinary and comprehensive understanding of the complex problems of development and social change and integrates social sciences disciplines such as anthropology; economics; political science and sociology along with contemporary thematic studies such as Gender and development; community engagement for sustainability and change; and conflict & alternative dispute resolution. This program allows students to solve a range of social change and development problems using a PBL approach by investigating, analyzing and synthesizing complex information with available resources. The SCD Program equips its students with a thorough theoretical understanding together with hands-on and practical training.

What do we offer?

1) A four year degree based on HEC approved curriculum, focusing on the 21st century skills.

2) A blended learning environment where students can gain and demonstrate knowledge of the   latest educational technology 3) A highly qualified and experienced faculty

  • Furnished and air-conditioned classrooms with multimedia facility
  • A collection of useful resources for lifelong learning
Career Prospects
  • Civil Services
  • SME – associates
  • CSR associates at banks/ Multinational firms
  • Legal team associates
  • Citizen journalism,
  • Content developers/Documentary Developers
  • Social Media Influencers
  • Education and Development sector,
  • Researchers at NGOS & INGOS,
  • Monitoring & Evaluation
  • Teaching and lectureship,
  • Mediation counsellor
  • Social entrepreneurs


Key Characteristics

  1. Competitive state-of-the-art undergraduate program
  2. Highly qualified faculty
  3. Academic and Professional Counselling facilities for students
  4. Conducive learning environment with required Infrastructure and facilities

1st Year

Semester 1Semester 2
Functional EnglishAcademic Reading and Writing
Pakistan StudiesIslamic Studies/Moral Ethics
Introduction to SociologyQuantitative Reasoning I
Literature and SocietyIntroduction to Social Psychology
Perspectives on Identity in the Contemporary WorldGender and Social Change
Introduction to ICT & Digital LiteracyIndividual wellbeing and development
6 Courses = 18 CH6 Courses = 18 CH

2nd Year

Semester 3Semester 4
Technical & Professional WritingClassical Sociological Theory
Development of Social ThoughtsSocial Philosophy & Critical Thinking
Introduction to Social Change & DevelopmentPopulation Studies
Social Anthropology: Cultural representations, beliefs and practicesEconomics and Development
Quantitative Reasoning IISustainable Development- From MDGs to  SDGs: Major learning and implications
Project Planning & ManagementInternship project (SDGs – Project Practicum)
6 Courses = 18 CH6 Courses = 18 CH

3rd Year

Semester 5Semester 6
Methods of Social Sciences ResearchDiversity, Social Justice, Equity and Development
Social change and development in PakistanRural & Urban Development: Issues and perspectives
Sociology of Human rightsResearch thesis and report
Elective IElective III
Elective IIElective IV
5 Courses = 15 CH5 Courses = 15 CH
Electives I  (Options)Electives II (Options)
1. Development communication2.International relations


3. NGO management

1. Media as 4th pillar of state for social change and Development


2. Visual Storytelling: Photography & documentary in advocacy

3. Introduction to Environmental Sociology

Electives III (Options)Electives IV (Options)
1. Introduction to Peace & Conflict Studies


2. Peace leadership in South Asia

3. Alternative dispute resolution

1. Social statistics


2. Results-based project management

3. Financial management

4th Year

Semester 7
(Project Based Learning on Poverty Issues)
Semester 8
(Project Based Learning on Health/ Education Issues)
Philosophy of Development & Psychology of PovertyPhilosophy & Psychology of Human nature and well being
Poverty/Development Advocacy through performing artsHealth/Education issues across cultures and ideologies
Poverty & women empowermentStudy of social enterprises in health care/Education: Operations and processes
Social enterprise incubationSocial enterprise incubation
5 Courses = 15 CH5 Courses = 15 CH


Minimum A-Levels 3 passes/45% marks in Intermediate or equivalent from a recognized institution.

 Tuition (By Course) 15,000
 Admission Fee (One Time) 5,000
 Application Fee (One Time) 5,000
Examination Fee (By Course) 2,000
Security  Deposit (One Time) 5,000
Student Fund (Yearly) 10,000