BS Management and Technology

This programme offers a unique combination of courses from Business Management and Information Technology to develop the skills that ensures the sustainable Digital future. The graduates are prepared to oversee the complex projects and manage individuals to work with ever changing environment and be on the cutting edge of advancement and the longer term of work.
The programme concentrates on database systems, data visualization tools and techniques, statistical modeling, data mining, optimization, simulation, and their applications in business disciplines such as accounting, finance, human resources, insurance, management, and marketing. Emphasis is placed throughout the program on developing all-rounded communication & soft skills, analytical &reasoning skills, ethical decision making and problem-solving capabilities.
Graduates in Management & Technology go on to become chief technology officers, project managers, business development executives/managers, product managers, marketing managers, analytics managers, business analysts, technical programme managers, senior product managers, and technical product managers, Financial Analysts.


The program aims to produce graduates that are intellectually and morally capable to add value to the industry and society by identifying and analyzing business problems through accounting and finance skills that facilitate individuals to work with ever changing environment at large scale and provide the sustainable solutions through professional, research and entrepreneurial skills. 


To be recognized as one of the leading undergrad business programs that nurtures individuals by imparting quality education to investigate the local and global challenges of the industry and society.

 -To develop future business leaders, that have an outlook on environmental, social and governance for both the local and global market.

Programme Educational Objectives

PEO1:   To produce graduates with strong foundations in accounting and finance to develop managerial qualities.

PEO2:   To produce graduates with the ability to think creatively and critically, analyze problems quantitatively and use information technology to solve business issues.

PEO3:   To produce graduates with understanding of social and ethical issues that concern the whole business community.

PEO4:   To produce graduates with good communication skills, personality, legal knowledge and understanding of local and global issues that concern the whole business community.


Programme Learning Outcomes

  • BS (Accounting and Finance) programme prepares students to attain the educational objectives by ensuring that students demonstrate achievement of the following learning outcomes:

    PLO1:   Accounting & Finance Knowledge: An ability to apply accounting and finance knowledge along with other business domains to solve complex business situations.

    PLO2:   Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex business problems to reach substantial conclusions using accounting and financial principles.

    PLO3:   Communication: An ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing, on complex accounting and financial activities with the business community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective accounting and financial reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions.

    PLO4:   Ethics: Ability to identify ethical and social problems in the business environment and resolve them as per the professional code of ethics.

    PLO5:   Best Practices: An ability to apply theoretical applications of accounting and finance in the functional areas of business.

    PLO6:   Team Work: An ability to understand the importance of teamwork and leadership to achieve long-term and short-term organizational goals.

    PLO7:   Diversity: An ability to understand the importance of cultural diversity and interpersonal skills, especially in the workplace.

    PLO8:   Modern tool Usage: An ability to understand systems and able to use modern software and tools to apply and interpret functional business knowledge.

    PLO9:   Global Prospect: An ability to identify business opportunities and challenges of an evolving global environment by identifying and analyzing relevant global factors that influence decision making and develop viable alternatives in an international business.

    PLO10: Legal Knowledge: An ability to demonstrate an understanding of the law and its application to business units.

    PLO11: Social Responsibility: An ability to understand issues related to CSR involving different stakeholders and make effective decisions

Career Prospects

Graduates of this programme can expect promising careers in the following roles and fields:

  • Pursue a career in Accounting/Finance/Auditing/Taxation
  • Pursue professional studies like MBA/CA/ACCA/CIMA/CFA
  • Freelancing

Scheme of Studies (1st Semester)

Code Title Credit Hour Pre- Requisites
ENG-110 Functional English 3+0 None
MGT-110 Principle of Management 3+0 None
CIV-110 Islamic Studies 3+0 None
NAS-110 Applied Mathematics I 3+0 None
CSE-110 Discrete Structures 3+0 None
CSE-111T Computer Fundamentals & Programming 2+0 None
CSE-111L Computer Fundamentals & Programming-LAB 0+1 None
Total 17+1

Scheme of Studies (2nd Semester)

Code Title Credit Hour Pre- Requisites
NAS-121 Applied Mathematics II 3+0 NAS-110
ECO-120 Micro Economics 3+0 None
MKT-120 Principle of Marketing 3+0 None
CIV-121 Pakistan Studies 3+0 None
ENG-121 Communication & Presentation Skills 3+0 None
CSE-122T Object Oriented Programming 2+0 None
CSE-122L Object Oriented Programming-LAB 0+1 None
Total 17+1

Scheme of Studies (3rd Semester)

Code Title Credit Hour Pre- Requisites
QAN-230 Logic & Critical Thinking 3+0 None
ECO-231 Macro Economics 3+0 ECO-120
LAW-230 Business Law 3+0 None
MKT-231 Marketing Management 3+0 MKT-120
ACC-230 Financial Accounting 3+0 None
CSE-233T Data Structures 2+0 None
CSE-233L Data Structure-LAB 0+1 None
Total 17+1

Scheme of Studies (4th Semester)

Code Title Credit Hour Pre- Requisites
FIN-240 Introduction to Business Finance 3+0 ACC-230
SSC-240 Business Ethics 3+0 None
A&H-240 Foreign Language 3+0 None
QAN-241 Statistical Inference 3+0 None
CSE-244T Database Management System 2+0 CSE-233T
CSE-244L Database Management System-LAB 0+1 CSE-233L
Total 14+1

Scheme of Studies (5th Semester)

Code Title Credit Hour Pre- Requisites
CSE-355T Operating Systems 2+0 CSE-233T
CSE-355L Operating Systems-LAB 0+1 CSE-233L
FIN-351 Financial Management 3+0 FIN-240
SSC-351 Organizational Behavior 3+0 None
BTM-350 Management Information Systems 3+0 None
CSE-356T Artificial Intelligence in Business 2+0 None
CSE-356L Artificial Intelligence in Business-LAB 0+1 None
Total 13+2

Scheme of Studies (6th Semester)

Code Title Credit Hour Pre- Requisites
MGT-361 Human Resource Management 3+0 MGT-110
RES-360 Research Methodology 3+0 None
SCM-360 Introduction to Supply Chain Management 3+0 None
BTM-361 Digital Business 3+0 None
ENG-363 Technical & Business Writing 3+0 None
ACC-361 Cost & Managerial Accounting 3+0 FIN-240
Total 18

Scheme of Studies (7th Semester)

Code Title Credit Hour Pre- Requisites
ENT-470 Entrepreneurship 3+0 None
BTM-472 Enterprise Resource Planning 3+0 MIS
ECO-472 Managerial Economics 3+0 ECO-231
BTM-474 Business Process Management 3+0 None
RES-471 Project/ Thesis – I 3+0 None
Total 15

Scheme of Studies (8th Semester)

Code Title Credit Hour Pre- Requisites
BTM-483 Business Intelligence & Analytics 3+0 None
MGT-482 Information technology Project Management 3+0 None
CSE-487 Information Security 3+0 None
MGT-483 Total Quality Management 3+0 None
RES-482 Project/ Thesis – II 3+0 RES-471
Total 15

Length of Degree

BS Management& Technology Duration (Minimum): 4 years Duration (Maximum): 7 years

Distribution of Courses

The Department of Management Technology & Information Sciences follows HEC guidelines for distribution of credit hours between core and elective courses.  The Program comprises of 136 credit hours.




BS Management Tech

Inter (Comm, Computer, Pre Engg, Pre Med) , A-level – Any 3 coursesDAE any or Diploma any – Inter Equal40
Duration of Programme

BS Management Tech

04 Years 
Admission Fee15,000
Security Deposit(refundable)5,000
Total at the time of admission20,000
Per Month Fees 04 Years 8,500

Note: Any additional taxes imposed by the government will be the liability of the students/parents/guardian.

The University reserves the right to increase the fees if required according to the recommendation of the Governing Body.

At the time of admission, selected candidates will be required to deposit fee either under Option 1 or Option 2. Therfore monthly or semester fee will be deposited by students within two weeks of commencement of every semester in advance accoring to the official notification on the notice board. 2% surcharge per month will be levied on outstanding fees after the due date.

The students claiming exemptions from any course or courses will be required to pay exemption fee @ Rs. 2,500/- per subject in the beginning of semester.

Fees once deposited are not refundable, except security deposits, for any reason whatsoever.

Scope and Projects

TThis program usually covers topics such as accounting and financial management. The program also covers emerging technologies and sustainability. Technology managers keep up with fast-changing technology developments and innovations. They understand products and services and what new ones that will thrive in the market. Graduate in Management &Technology go on to become chief technology officers, project manager, business development executive/manager, product manager, marketing manager, analytics manager, business analyst, technical program manager, senior product manager, and technical product manager

Program Educational Objectives

Consistent with the Department Vision and Mission, the Program Educational Objectives of the study program BS Management & Technology are to educate individuals with interdisciplinary and practical knowledge who:

  • PLO 1:Make successful careers as managers in industry, R&D organizations, laboratories and business incubators.
  • PLO 2:  Provide services and/or Start up technology management Consulting firms.
  • PLO3:Serve the society with their innovative ideas to manage various technologies and developed products within a diverse environment maintaining ethical standards required for certain technology operation.
  • PLO4: Promote continuous development of professional know how but also their social knowledge and skills.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • PLO 1: Management & Technology Knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of Accounting, finance, marketing; supply chain & technology fundamentals to the solution of complex business situations.
  • PLO 2: Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate, research literature & analyze complex business & technology problems reached substantial conclusions using business management principles
  • PLO3: Communication: ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing, on complex business activities with the business community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PLO 4: Ethics: Ability to identifying ethical and social problems that arise in the business & technology environment and to resolve them.
  • PLO 5:Academic Integration: An ability to demonstrate an academic integration of their applied/technical cognate & the major courses stressing communication, training & technology systems management.
  • PLO 6: Team Work: An ability to understand the importance of team work & leadership in order to achieve long and short-term organizational goals.
  • PLO 7: Diversity: An ability to understand the importance of cultural diversity and interpersonal skills especially in the work place.
  • PLO 8: Modern tool Usage: An ability to understand systems & able to use modern software & tools to apply & interpret functional business knowledge..
  • PLO 9: Entrepreneurship: An ability to have entrepreneurial qualities and styles & ability to demonstrate them accordingly.
  • PLO 10:  Global Prospect: An ability to identifying business opportunities & challenges of an evolving global environment by identifying & analyzing relevant global factors that influence decision making & develop viable alternatives in an international business.
  • PLO 11: Legal Knowledge: An ability to demonstrate an understanding of the law & its application to business & technology units.
  • PLO 12: Social Responsibility: An ability to understand issues related to CSR involving different stake holders & make effective decisions

Scheme of Studies (1st Semester)

HS-104 Functional English 3+0 None
MS-103 Principle of Management 3+0 None
HS-108 Islamic Studies 1+0 None
HS-109 Pakistan Studies 1+0 None
NS-108 Applied Mathematics I 3+0 None
MS-105 Introduction to Business 3+0 None
CS-107 Intro to Info & Comm. Technologies 2+1 None
Total 17

Scheme of Studies (2nd Semester)

MS-112 Financial Accounting 3+0 None
MS-104 Micro Economics 3+0 None
MS-106 Principle of Marketing 3+0 None
CS-105 Computer Fundamentals & Programming 2+1 None
HS-402 Professional Psychology 2+0 None
CS-103 Discrete Structures 3+0 None
Total 17

Scheme of Studies (3rd Semester)

MS-309 Business Communication 3+0 HS-104
MS-201 Macro Economics 3+0 MS-104
CS-113 Object Oriented Programming 2+1 CS-105
MT-203 Marketing Research & Analytics 3+0 MS-106
NS-213 Applied Mathematics II 3+0 NS-108
MT-205 Industrial Relations 2+0 MS-105
Total 17

Scheme of Studies (4th Semester)

MS-202 Introduction to Business Finance 3+0 MS-112
MS-204 Business Law 3+0 MS-105
MS-110 Foreign Language 3+0 None
MT-305 Digital Marketing 2+0 None
CS-222 Data Structures 2+1 CS-113
MS-206 Statistical Inference 3+0 NS-108
Total 17

Scheme of Studies (5th Semester)

CS-234 Operating Systems 3+1 CS-222
MS-303 Financial Management 3+0 MS-202
MT-309 Emerging trends in Technology 2+0 None
MS-401 Operations Management 3+0 MS-103
CS-301 Database Management System 2+1 CS-222
Total 15

Scheme of Studies (6th Semester)

MS-302 Organizational Behavior 3+0 MS-103
MS-314 Business Research Methodology 3+0 MS-206
MS-208 Management Information Systems 3+0 CS-105
MS-403 Entrepreneurship 3+0 MS-105
HS-222 Technical Report Writing 3+0 MS-309
MS-312 Cost & Managerial Accounting 3+0 MS-112
Total 18

Scheme of Studies (7th Semester)

MS-307 Supply chain Management 3+0 MS-401
MT-407 Enterprise Resource Planning 3+0 MS-208
MS-409 Total Quality Management 2+0 MS-103
MT-403 Business & Technical Strategy 3+0 MS-103
MT-480 Project/ Thesis 3+0 MS-206, MS-304
MS-306 Managerial Economics 3+0 MS-104, MS-201
Total 17

Scheme of Studies (8th Semester)

MT-402 Business Decision Making 3+0 MS-105
MS-404 International Business 3+0 MS-105
HS-403 Professional Practice 3+0 None
MT-406 Project Management 3+0 MS-103
MT-480 Project/ Thesis 3+0 MS-206, MS-304
MS-412 Auditing & Taxation 3+0 MS-312
Total 18

Length of Degree

BS Management& Technology Duration (Minimum): 4 years Duration (Maximum): 7 years

Distribution of Courses

The Department of Management Technology & Information Sciences follows HEC guidelines for distribution of credit hours between core and elective courses.  The Program comprises of 136 credit hours.




BS Management Tech

Inter (Comm, Computer, Pre Engg, Pre Med) , A-level – Any 3 coursesDAE any or Diploma any – Inter Equal40
Duration of Programme

BS Management Tech

04 Years 
Admission Processing Fees 2500
Admission Fees10,000
Security Deposit (refundable)5,000
Student Activity Fee (Per Semester)2,000
Semester Reg. Fee (Per semester)5,000
First Semester Credit Hours Fee15 *3000
Examination Fees 1st Semester6,000
Tuition /Semester Credit hours Fee45,000
Miscellaneous Charges0
Total Fee at the time of admission75,000

Note: Any additional taxes imposed by the government will be the liability of the students/parents/guardian.

The University reserves the right to increase the fees if required according to the recommendation of the Governing Body.

Fees once deposited are not refundable, except security deposits, for any reason whatsoever.