Doctor of Occupational Therapy

“Through advanced research, education and clinical practice, the Occupational Therapy department of Ziauddin College of rehabilitation sciences (ZCRS) will produce virtuous professionals that will enhance people’s engagement in occupation of life through the knowledge and evidence based practice for health and wellbeing of community

Programme objectives of Doctor of Occupational Therapy (DOT)

The programme aims at bestowing quality education to occupational therapy graduates for contribution in the community through provision of rehab services for the health and wellbeing in line with SDGs especially Goal-3, Goal-4, Goal-5, Goal-10, and Goal-13. The occupational therapist is expected to exhibit after graduation;

  1. Exhibit comprehensive occupational therapy knowledge and skills
  2. Execute and demonstrate team spirit, interpersonal skills and professional growth.
  3. Demeanor evidence based professional practice considering societal, ethical, and environmental.

These objectives are to be accomplished through

  • An innovative, integrated, system–based curriculum designed to permit continuous
  • evolution / improvement.
  • A strong content foundation in the physical, clinical, and behavioral sciences.
  • Problem–based and case–based learning experiences, integrating scientific knowledge
  • with clinical expertise.
  • An emphasis on critical thinking, clinical decision making, outcomes analysis, and
  • evidence based practice.
  • An educational environment designed to promote learning.
  • A sequence of simulated and actual clinical experience across the curriculum.
  • A study guide is created to facilitate learning, provide direction, and point out required
  • critical information to students. It aims to maximize the personal benefit each individual
  • can attain from the academic programme.

Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) of DOT

Programme outcomes are the narrower statements that describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation. These relate to the knowledge, skills and attitude that the students acquire while progressing through the programme. The program must demonstrate that by the time of graduation the students have attained a certain set of knowledge, skills and behavioral traits, at least to some acceptable minimum level.

Following are the Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) of Doctor of Occupational Therapy

PLO-01: Knowledge of health sciences: Ability to understand basic health science subjects and relate it to the profession’s distinct element.

PLO-02: Occupational science: Ability to comprehend basic occupational science of life and occupational performance components for independent living in context to basic health and clinical sciences.

PLO-03: Occupational / Activity Analysis: Demonstrate the ability to amalgamate knowledge in a practice area through the detailed analysis of the occupational performance components, activity demands ,its limitations and restrictions at clinical evaluation and practice, research skills or intervention planning.

PLO-04: Occupational Therapy Process: Ability to understand the stages (assessment, evaluation, intervention) of the occupational therapy process and incorporate them in their clinical practice.

PLO-05: Evidence Based Practice:  Be able to plan and apply evidence based occupational therapy interventions to address the physical, cognitive, psychosocial, sensory, and other aspects of performance in a variety of contexts and environments to support engagement in everyday life activities that affect health, well-being, and quality of life, as informed by the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework.

PLO-06: Application of frame of references: Ability to select and integrate the appropriate occupational therapy frame of references during assessment and evaluation processes for effective outcome of therapy.

PLO-07: Occupational therapy and Society: Be able to promote inclusion in society, design and implement effective community based rehabilitation projects to initiate and sustain integration of services into health care service.

PLO-08: Environment and Sustainability: Ability to adapt to environment sustainable solutions for the occupational therapy process along with the recreational and vocational activities during the intervention process.

PLO-09: Ethics and Moral Values: Able to uphold the ethical standards, values, and attitudes of the occupational therapy profession. Produce graduates with a strong sense of social justice along with the capability and desire to be global professionals by applying ethical principles.

PLO-10: Individual and Team Work: Be prepared to integrate and work professionally, as an individual or a part of a multidisciplinary team of rehab professionals as well as other health care providers and care takers.

PLO-11: Communication: Ability to communicate in a commendable manner, orally as well as in writing on complex field related problems with the rehab community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentations, make effective modification, and give and receive clear instructions.

PLO-12: Project Management: Ability to Demonstrate active involvement in professional development, leadership, and advocacy through management skills and apply OT principles to one’s own work, as a member and/or leader in a team to manage projects in a multidisciplinary environment.

Learning And Teaching Strategies

Both national and international qualified teaching faculty promote better understanding through:

  • Presentation/Assignment/Seminar
  • Tutorials
  • Skill based labs
  • Projects
  • Clinical Practice (Supervised/Independent)

Clinical Training

Students of Ziauddin College of Rehabilitation Sciences have an exclusive advantage to be a part of an organization with the large setup of tertiary care hospitals. The clinical training provides a better chance of learning and practicing the skills in the field hence, prepares future therapists to play an important role inthe improvement of healthcare quality in society. Students of 3rd, 4th & 5th Professionals complete their clinical training in physical therapy at Dr. Ziauddin Hospital. In addition, Ziauddin College of Rehabilitation Sciences started their clinical collaboration with other major healthcare institutions of the city.

Minimum 50% marks in Pre-Medical Group of Higher Secondary Certificate Examination held by a recognized Board of Intermediate Education in Pakistan or O/A Level and other equivalent to HSC (Pre-medical).

Applications from overseas candidates are also invited.

Students awaiting results of Board of Intermediate / A-level Examinations are also eligible to apply.

Note: It is the responsibility of the applicant to submit the application according to instructions given with the application form.

Applications are invited for all locations Clifton, North, Link Road and Sukkur.

(The final allocation based on the location will be at the discretion of Ziauddin University depending upon the number of applications.)

Documents To Be Submitted

  • Attested copy of SSC / ‘O’ Level (IBCC Equivalence) Certificate
  • Attested copy of HSC / ‘A’ Level (IBCC Equivalence) Certificate
  • Attested copy of SSC / ‘O’ Level Mark Sheet
  • Attested copy of HSC / ‘A’ Level Mark Sheet
  • Attested copy of NIC or ‘B’ Form of Applicant
  • Attested copy of NIC of 2 references
  • Attested copy of NIC of Parents / Guardian
  • HSC II Admit Card incase result not announced
  • Applicant’s one (1) passport size photograph
  • Student Selection

Student Selection

The final selection of students is decided on the basis of their performance in the following:

  • Secondary School Certificate
  • Higher Secondary Certificate
  • Ziauddin University Test
  • Interview

Assessment Policies and Procedure

*As per Finance Bill 2020, under section 236 (I) of Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 5% tax will not be collected from self/guardian/parents where;

Self/guardian/parents name is appearing in Active Tax Payer List (ATL) and /or

Annual fee doesn’t exceed Rs. 200,000/-

Payment of Fees: On receiving offer of admission from University, students are expected to deposit the required (non-refundable) admission and tuition fees within the due date mentioned in the offer letter. If the required fee is not submitted within the specified date the admission will stand cancelled.

Note: Any additional taxes imposed by the government will be the liability of the students/parents/guardian.

The University reserves the right to increase the fees if required according to the recommendation of the Governing Body.

Advance fees to be paid semester-wise. All dues need to be cleared within two weeks of commencement of the academic year. 2% surcharge per month will be levied on outstanding fees after the due date

Aptitude Test

The university conducts an Aptitude Test for all eligible candidates. The test consists of Multiple Choice questions of various types. The test comprises four to five sections designed to assess each applicant’s performance in the areas of:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • General Knowledge
  • English

The level of questions in sections of Biology, Physics and Chemistry correspond to that expected at the end of Intermediate Examination or equivalent qualifications.


Applicants are interviewed to assess their suitability to complete respective course and pursue a career in health sciences.

Notification Of Admission

University will inform successful applicants and a deadline will be given for the confirmation of admission. Offers not accepted by the given deadline will be cancelled

There are a growing number of career opportunities available to occupational therapists, Professional occupational work with individuals from every age group and community, and they may work in a variety of settings, including business and industrial workplaces, community-based programmes (homeless shelters, athletic clubs, and group homes), health agencies, hospitals, schools, and rehabilitation centers. More experienced practitioners can advance into management, specialization, teaching, or research.

SemesterName of Subject Credits Hours
First Professional Year
DOT-309Pakistan Studies2(2-0)
DOT-310Islamic Studies/Moral Ethics2(2-0)
DOT-312Introduction to Computers3(2-1)
DOT-401Introduction to Occupational Therapy4(3-1)
DOT-407Biochemistry and Genetics2(2-0)
DOT-411Introduction to Psychology3(3-0)
DOT-402Occupational Therapy Assessment and Evaluation-I4(3-1)
DOT-404Developmental and Abnormal Psychology3(2-1)
DOT-406Pathology and Microbiology3(3-0)
DOT-410Therapeutic Activities and their Techniques-I3(2-1)
DOT-412Medical condition -I3(3-0)
DOT-501Medical condition II3 (3-0)
DOT-505Therapeutic Activities and their Techniques-II3(2-1)
DOT-507Occupational Therapy Assessment and Evaluation-II4(3-1)
DOT-509Psychiatric Conditions3(3-0)
DOT-511Supervised Clinical Practices-I3(0-3)
DOT-502Sensory Integration3(2-1)
DOT-504Occupational Therapy in Acute Care-I3(2-1)
DOT-506Occupational Therapy Intervention in Physical health3(2-1)
DOT-512Supervised Clinical Practices-II3(0-3)
DOT-601Scientific Inquiry and Research Methodology3(2-1)
DOT-605Applied geriatric for occupational therapy3(2-1)
DOT-607Prosthetics and Orthotics3(2-1)
DOT-609Occupational Therapy Intervention in Mental health3(2-1)
DOT-611Supervised Clinical Practices-III3(0-3)
DOT-602Occupational Therapy in Acute Care-II3(2-1)
DOT-604Evidence Based Practice3(2-1)
DOT-606Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging3(2-1)
DOT-608Applied Pediatrics for Occupational Therapy3(2-1)
DOT-610Supervised Clinical Practices-IV3(0-3)
DOT-701Community Based Rehabilitation and Teaching Methodology3(2-1)
DOT-703Professional Practices ( Ethics, law and Administrations)and contemporary issues3(3-0)
DOT-705Health and Wellness in Occupational Therapy3(3-0)
DOT-707Supervised Clinical Practices-V6(0-6)
DOT-702Assistive Technology and Rehabilitation Environment2(2-0)
DOT-704Management and Leadership2(2-0)
DOT-706Supervised clinical practices- VI5(0-5)
DOT-708Research Project6(0-6)
Total Credit Hours174
Description          Batch 7
Tuition Fee         120,000
Admission Fee         35,000
Examination Fee         10,000
Security Deposit         25,000
Student Fund         2,000

On receiving offer of admission from University, students are expected to deposit the required (non-refundable) admission and tuition fees within the due date mentioned in the offer letter. If the required fee is not submitted within the specified date the admission will stand cancelled.

Note: Any additional taxes imposed by the government will be the liability of the students/parents/guardian.

The University reserves the right to increase the fees if required according to the recommendation of the Governing Body.

Advance fees to be paid semester-wise. All dues need to be cleared within two weeks of commencement of the academic year. 2% surcharge per month will be levied on outstanding fees after the due date.

Doctor of physical Therapy is a five-year semester based degree programme.
Learning And Teaching Strategies

Both national and international qualified teaching faculty promote better understanding through:

  • Presentation/Assignment/Seminar
  • Tutorials
  • Skill based labs
  • Projects
  • Clinical Practice (Supervised/Independent)

Clinical Training

Students of Ziauddin College of Rehabilitation Sciences have an exclusive advantage to be a part of an organization with the large setup of tertiary care hospitals. The clinical training provides a better chance of learning and practicing the skills in the field hence, prepares future therapists to play an important role inthe improvement of healthcare quality in society. Students of 3rd, 4th & 5th Professionals complete their clinical training in physical therapy at Dr. Ziauddin Hospital. In addition, Ziauddin College of Rehabilitation Sciences started their clinical collaboration with other major healthcare institutions of the city.

Mission Statement of Department

Department of Physical Therapy is committed to produce competent physical therapist by providing knowledge and skilled based education; also inculcating the element of research with intent to improve patient care.

Mission Statement of Programme

To serve mankind by preparing graduates of doctor of physical therapy as professional’s having a commitment to excellence in total patient care guided by belief in human worth and dignity with integrated approaches compatible to evolution in health profession. These physiotherapy practitioners will be the future leaders in their field equipped with ethical approach to practice along a strong research base, critical thinking and lifelong learning.

Programme Objectives of DPT

  1. To integrate and apply clinical basic science, applied science, and professional knowledge.
  2. To be skilled professionals, self – directed learners, and competent clinical decision makers and to prevent and reduce incidence and severity of impairments, functional limitations, and disabilities.
  3. To acquire and sustain the confidence of the patient, care–givers, colleagues, and community members by demonstrating high level of competence, accountability, ethical standards, and moral behaviors through critical reasoning, clinical decision making and knowledge.
  4. To understand, critically evaluate, and apply scientific research.
  5. To respond sensitively to the diverse health care needs of patients, care – givers, and society.
  6. To contribute in the evolution of physical therapy profession and its role in the health care sector with emphasis on the promotion of health and wellness in the community.
  7. To provide cost effective, quality – based services.

These objectives are to be accomplished through

  1. An innovative, integrated, system–based curriculum designed to permit continuous evolution / improvement.
  2. A strong content foundation in the physical, clinical, and behavioral sciences.
  3. Problem–based and case–based learning experiences, integrating scientific knowledge with clinical expertise.
  4. An emphasis on critical thinking, clinical decision making, outcomes analysis, and evidence based practice.
  5. Education environment designed to promote learning.
  6. A sequence of simulated and actual clinical experience across the curriculum.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Minimum 60% marks in Pre-Medical Group of Higher Secondary Certificate Examination held by a recognized Board of Intermediate Education in Pakistan or O/A Level and other equivalent to HSC (Pre-medical).
  • Applications from overseas candidates are also invited.
  • Students awaiting results of Board of Intermediate / A-level Examinations are also eligible to apply.

Note: It is the responsibility of the applicant to submit the application according to instructions given with the application form

Documents To Be Submitted

  • Attested copy of SSC / ‘O’ Level (IBCC Equivalence) Certificate
  • Attested copy of HSC / ‘A’ Level (IBCC Equivalence) Certificate
  • Attested copy of SSC / ‘O’ Level Mark Sheet
  • Attested copy of HSC / ‘A’ Level Mark Sheet
  • Attested copy of NIC or ‘B’ Form of Applicant
  • Attested copy of NIC of 2 references
  • Attested copy of NIC of Parents / Guardian
  • HSC II Admit Card incase result not announced
  • Applicant’s one (1) passport size photograph

Student Selection

Final selection of students is decided on the basis of their performance in the following:

  • Secondary School Certificate
  • Higher Secondary Certificate
  • Ziauddin University Test
  • Interview

Aptitude Test

The university conducts an Aptitude Test for all eligible candidates. The test consists of Multiple Choice questions of various types. The test comprises four to five sections designed to assess each applicant’s performance in the areas of:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • General Knowledge
  • English

The level of questions in sections of Biology, Physics and Chemistry correspond to that expected at the end of Intermediate Examination or equivalent qualifications.


Applicants are interviewed to assess their suitability to complete respective course and pursue a career in health sciences.

Notification Of Admission

University will inform successful applicants and a deadline will be given for the confirmation of admission. Offers not accepted by the given deadline will be cancelled

Scheme of First Semester

SemesterName of Subject Credits Hours
First Professional Year
DOT-309Pakistan Studies2(2-0)

Scheme of Second Semester

SemesterName of Subject Credits Hours
DOT-310Islamic Studies/Moral Ethics2(2-0)
DOT-312Introduction to Computers3(2-1)

Scheme of Third Semester

Semester Name of Subject  Credits Hours
DOT-401 Introduction to Occupational Therapy 4(3-1)
DOT-403 Biomechanics 3(2-1)
DOT-405 English-III 3(3-0)
DOT-407 Biochemistry and Genetics 2(2-0)
DOT-409 Biostatistics-II 3(3-0)
DOT-411 Introduction to Psychology 3(3-0)
Subtotal 18

Scheme of Fourth Semester

Semester Name of Subject  Credits Hours
DOT-402 Occupational Therapy Assessment and Evaluation-I 4(3-1)
DOT-404 Developmental and Abnormal Psychology 3(2-1)
DOT-406 Pathology and Microbiology 3(3-0)
DOT-408 Sociology-I 2(2-0)
DOT-410 Therapeutic Activities and their Techniques-I 3(2-1)
DOT-412 Medical condition -I 3(3-0)
Subtotal 18

Scheme of Fifth Semester

Semester Name of Subject  Credits Hours
DOT-501 Medical condition II 3 (3-0)
DOT-503 Sociology-II 2(2-0)
DOT-505 Therapeutic Activities and their Techniques-II 3(2-1)
DOT-507 Occupational Therapy Assessment and Evaluation-II 4(3-1)
DOT-509 Psychiatric Conditions 3(3-0)
DOT-511 Supervised Clinical Practices-I 3(0-3)
Subtotal 18

Scheme of Sixth Semester

Semester Name of Subject  Credits Hours
DOT-502 Sensory Integration 3(2-1)
DOT-504 Occupational Therapy in Acute Care-I 3(2-1)
DOT-506 Occupational Therapy Intervention in Physical health 3(2-1)
DOT-508 Pharmacology 3(3-0)
DOT-510 Surgery-I 3(3-0)
DOT-512 Supervised Clinical Practices-II 3(0-3)
Subtotal 18

Scheme of Seventh Semester

Semester Name of Subject  Credits Hours
DOT-601 Scientific Inquiry and Research Methodology 3(2-1)
DOT-603 Surgery-II 3(3-0)
DOT-605 Applied geriatric for occupational therapy 3(2-1)
DOT-607 Prosthetics and Orthotics 3(2-1)
DOT-609 Occupational Therapy Intervention in Mental health 3(2-1)
DOT-611 Supervised Clinical Practices-III 3(0-3)
Subtotal 18

Scheme of Eighth Semester

Fourth Year Semester VIII
S. No Course no Subjects Credit Hours
1 602 Evidence Based Practices 3(2-1)
2 606 Neurological Physical Therapy 3(2-1)
3 608 Surgery-II 3(3-0)
4 511 Emergency Procedure and Primary care in Physical Therapy 3(2-1)
5 614 Medicine-II 3(3-0)
6 616 Supervised Clinical Practices-IV 3(0-3)
Total 18

Scheme of Ninth Semester

Semester Name of Subject  Credits Hours
DOT-701 Community Based Rehabilitation and Teaching Methodology 3(2-1)
DOT-703 Professional Practices ( Ethics, law and Administrations)and contemporary issues 3(3-0)
DOT-705 Health and Wellness in Occupational Therapy 3(3-0)
DOT-707 Supervised Clinical Practices-V 6(0-6)
DOT-709 Ergonomics 3(2-1)
Subtotal 18

Scheme of Tenth Semester

Semester Name of Subject  Credits Hours
DOT-702 Assistive Technology and Rehabilitation Environment 2(2-0)
DOT-704 Management and Leadership 2(2-0)
DOT-706 Supervised clinical practices- VI 5(0-5)
DOT-708 Research Project 6(0-6)
Subtotal 15
Total Credit Hours 174

Total Courses

SemesterName of Subject Credits Hours
First Professional Year
DOT-309Pakistan Studies2(2-0)
DOT-310Islamic Studies/Moral Ethics2(2-0)
DOT-312Introduction to Computers3(2-1)
DOT-401Introduction to Occupational Therapy4(3-1)
DOT-407Biochemistry and Genetics2(2-0)
DOT-411Introduction to Psychology3(3-0)
DOT-402Occupational Therapy Assessment and Evaluation-I4(3-1)
DOT-404Developmental and Abnormal Psychology3(2-1)
DOT-406Pathology and Microbiology3(3-0)
DOT-410Therapeutic Activities and their Techniques-I3(2-1)
DOT-412Medical condition -I3(3-0)
DOT-501Medical condition II3 (3-0)
DOT-505Therapeutic Activities and their Techniques-II3(2-1)
DOT-507Occupational Therapy Assessment and Evaluation-II4(3-1)
DOT-509Psychiatric Conditions3(3-0)
DOT-511Supervised Clinical Practices-I3(0-3)
DOT-502Sensory Integration3(2-1)
DOT-504Occupational Therapy in Acute Care-I3(2-1)
DOT-506Occupational Therapy Intervention in Physical health3(2-1)
DOT-512Supervised Clinical Practices-II3(0-3)
DOT-601Scientific Inquiry and Research Methodology3(2-1)
DOT-605Applied geriatric for occupational therapy3(2-1)
DOT-607Prosthetics and Orthotics3(2-1)
DOT-609Occupational Therapy Intervention in Mental health3(2-1)
DOT-611Supervised Clinical Practices-III3(0-3)
DOT-602Occupational Therapy in Acute Care-II3(2-1)
DOT-604Evidence Based Practice3(2-1)
DOT-606Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging3(2-1)
DOT-608Applied Pediatrics for Occupational Therapy3(2-1)
DOT-610Supervised Clinical Practices-IV3(0-3)
DOT-701Community Based Rehabilitation and Teaching Methodology3(2-1)
DOT-703Professional Practices ( Ethics, law and Administrations)and contemporary issues3(3-0)
DOT-705Health and Wellness in Occupational Therapy3(3-0)
DOT-707Supervised Clinical Practices-V6(0-6)
DOT-702Assistive Technology and Rehabilitation Environment2(2-0)
DOT-704Management and Leadership2(2-0)
DOT-706Supervised clinical practices- VI5(0-5)
DOT-708Research Project6(0-6)
Total Credit Hours174


 CliftonNorthLink Road
DescriptionBatch 14Batch 14Batch 14
Tuition Fee (1st Semester)  120,000     112,500         95,000
Admission Fee    50,000       50,000         50,000
Examination Fee  (1st Semester)    10,000       10,000         10,000
Security Deposit    25,000       25,000         25,000
Student Fund  (1st Semester)      2,000         2,000           2,000
Transport Fee           45,000

*As per Finance Bill 2020, under section 236 (I) of Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 5% tax will not be collected from self/guardian/parents where;
Self/guardian/parents name is appearing in Active Tax Payer List (ATL) and /or
Annual fee doesn’t exceed Rs. 200,000/-

Payment of Fees: On receiving offer of admission from University, students are expected to deposit the required (non-refundable) admission and tuition fees within the due date mentioned in the offer letter. If the required fee is not submitted within the specified date the admission will stand cancelled.

The University reserves the right to increase the fees if required according to the recommendation of the Governing Body.

Advance fees to be paid semester-wise. All dues need to be cleared within two weeks of commencement of the academic year. 2% surcharge per month will be levied on outstanding fees after the due date.