PhD in Physical Therapy


The postgraduate program aims to prepare individuals to function as independent physical therapy researchers who can take an interdisciplinary approach to physical therapy issues. Students graduating with degree are prepared for careers university educators, research scientists and specialized professionals within the field of physical therapy.

 After graduation, our students will be able to:
  1. Professionally utilizes fundamental knowledge, analytical and problem-solving skills in the field of Physical Therapy to articulate and work through evidence based clinical decision making based on research evidences and practice knowledge
  2. Acquiring knowledge and advance skills for planning, analyzing and investigating different diseases for attaining lifelong learning and displaying commitment to the community
  3. Exploring new and emerging areas (sub-specialties) in the field of rehabilitation science by utilizing different tools and rehabilitative techniques for treatment purposes
  4. Effectively communicating with patients/ clients and peers by adhering to ethical and professional code of conduct while working meritoriously as a leader in the multidisciplinary teams of hospitals and institutions
Learning Outcomes

PO1: Demonstrate in-dept. learning in research with respect to Physical Therapy
PO2: Inculcate the advance knowledge of research through article writing and dissertation writing
PO3: Critically appraise the articles and synthesizing novel approach
PO4: Perform independent research professionally and ethically
PO5: Utilize the skills in formulating action plan for patients/clients in the field of physical therapy
PO6: Implement the advance and innovative techniques in patients/clients for publishing the original work
PO7: Recognize the needs of society for Continuous Professional Development.
PO8: Exhibit leadership skills for professional guidance and future endeavors.
PO9: Attain Life-lasting learning

Duration of PhD Program

 Credit Hours  22 Credit Hours (Course work) + 30 Credit.   Hours (Dissertation)
 Semester Duration  Minimum of 16 weeks of teaching for regular semester excluding examinations duration
 Coursework Duration  1 year, two regular semesters
 Comprehensive Examination  Maximum 2 Years  Failure   to   which   lead  to termination of candidature from the program
 Degree Duration  Minimum 3 years (including course work duration and Research Dissertation)
 Maximum 8 years (including one-year extension with approval of Dean of faculty, Vice-Chancellor and     Director Postgraduate)
 Summer Session  For deficiency/failure, repetition of courses up to 6 credit hours (08 Weeks duration)
 Course Load  during   regular semesters for Regular Full-Time Students  11 Credit Hours

Eligibility Criteria

  1. At least 18 years of education in the relevant discipline, Minimum CGPA 3.0/4.00 or 60% marks from HEC recognized institute (preferably the undergraduate and postgraduate degrees should be HEC attested or having HEC Equivalence certificate in case of foreign university education).
  2. Passed NTS GAT (subject) test with 60%, the University GAT (subject) test with 70% marks, or international GRE subject.
  3. An interview with Ph.D. Admission committee

The Doctor of Philosophy offers several opportunities that involve academic roles, leadership and research. A PhD holder can work in an academic institution as an Associate Professor or a Professor. As a research scientist and clinical researcher in academic institutions, research centers, or even private organizations, the doors are open. Career as a Policy advisor/advocate, director of clinical programs or research is also open for both the national and international market


ZU-ARM-901Advance Research Methodology3 (3+0)
ZU-AE-903Advanced Epidemiology

1 (1+0)

ZU-MBG-905Molecular Biology & Genetics3(2+1)
ZU-MDPT-907Major Discipline – I2(1+1)
ZU-ART-902Advanced Research Techniques2(2+0)
ZU-MDPT-900Major Discipline-II3(2+1)
ZU-AB-906Advanced Biostatistics1(1+0)
ZU-MDPT-904Major Discipline-III3 (2+1)
Ph.D. Fee Structure in PKR (Rs.)
 Fee Structure
GAT Fees 5,000
Admission fees 200,000
Semester I
Tuition Fees20000/credit hr (9 cr. hr)180000
Examination fees Semester 20000
Payable Amount 200000
Semester II
Tuition Fees20000/credit hr (9 cr. hr)180000
Examination fees Semester 20000
Comprehensive Exam 25,000
Payable Amount 225000
Semester III
Supervision Fees20000/credit hr (7.5 cr. hr)150000
Semester IV
Supervision Fees20000/credit hr (7.5 cr. hr)150000
Semester V
Supervision Fees20000/credit hr (7.5 cr. hr)150000
Semester VI
Supervision Fees20000/credit hr (7.5 cr. hr)150000
Foreign Evaluation Fee750$170250
Thesis Defence Fee 100000
Total Payable Amount (External)Total Payable Amount (External)1,500,250
Scholarship (Internal)Scholarship (Internal)200000

Note: Supervision fee shall be applicable till submission of thesis to examination department.


Ziauddin University an HEC recognized W4 Category University has been created with a vision to promote the advancement of knowledge in health sciences through excellence in teaching, research, and public service. The University endeavors to develop in each student, the virtues and values of humanity, dignity and worthiness; a desire and capacity for critical reasoning; the ability to communicate; and the skills for acquiring new knowledge and meeting the challenges of an exponential growth of information. The institution focuses on developing competence, personal fulfillment and responsible leadership in science and public service.


To be a prestigious institution of higher education recognized for its academic excellence and research, nurturing ethical and intellectual curiosity in the recipients of higher education and positively contributing towards the development of a knowledge based society in Pakistan which can fully understand global challenges in the rapidly changing political, economic and social paradigm.

Ziauddin College of Rehabilitation Sciences

Ziauddin College of Rehabilitation Sciences (ZCRS) was established in year 1999 with the mission to produce competent Therapist by providing quality education, promoting research and evidence based practice with the intent to promote multi-disciplinary approach. The college offers undergraduate programs in the field of Physical Therapy (Doctor of Physical Therapy), Occupational Therapy (Doctor of Occupational Therapy) and Health Education and Sports Sciences (Bachelors and Associate Degrees) that is at par with the international standards and HEC guidelines.

Ziauddin College of Rehabilitation Sciences (ZCRS) was established in year 1999 with the mission to produce competent Therapist by providing quality education, promoting research and evidence based practice with the intent to promote multi-disciplinary approach. The college offers undergraduate programs in the field of Physical Therapy (Doctor of Physical Therapy), Occupational Therapy (Doctor of Occupational Therapy) and Health Education and Sports Sciences (Bachelors and Associate Degrees) that is at par with the international standards and HEC guidelines.

Mission of College

Ziauddin College of Rehabilitation Sciences is committed to produce competent physical therapist by providing knowledge and skilled based education; also inculcating the element of research with intent to improve patient care

Mission of Postgraduate Program

The postgraduate program aims to prepare individuals to function as independent physical therapy researchers who can take an interdisciplinary approach to physical therapy issues. Students graduating with degree are prepared for careers university educators, research scientists and specialized professionals within the field of physical therapy.

Program Objectives
 After graduation, our students will be able to:
  1. Professionally utilizes fundamental knowledge, analytical and problem-solving skills in the field of Physical Therapy to articulate and work through evidence based clinical decision making based on research evidences and practice knowledge
  2. Acquiring knowledge and advance skills for planning, analyzing and investigating different diseases for attaining lifelong learning and displaying commitment to the community
  3. Exploring new and emerging areas (sub-specialties) in the field of rehabilitation science by utilizing different tools and rehabilitative techniques for treatment purposes
  4. Effectively communicating with patients/ clients and peers by adhering to ethical and professional code of conduct while working meritoriously as a leader in the multidisciplinary teams of hospitals and institutions
Learning Outcomes

PO1: Demonstrate in-dept. learning in research with respect to Physical Therapy
PO2: Inculcate the advance knowledge of research through article writing and dissertation writing
PO3: Critically appraise the articles and synthesizing novel approach
PO4: Perform independent research professionally and ethically
PO5: Utilize the skills in formulating action plan for patients/clients in the field of physical therapy
PO6: Implement the advance and innovative techniques in patients/clients for publishing the original work
PO7: Recognize the needs of society for Continuous Professional Development.
PO8: Exhibit leadership skills for professional guidance and future endeavors.
PO9: Attain Life-lasting learning

Duration of PhD Program

 Credit Hours  22 Credit Hours (Course work) + 30 Credit.   Hours (Dissertation)
 Semester Duration  Minimum of 16 weeks of teaching for regular semester excluding examinations duration
 Coursework Duration  1 year, two regular semesters
 Comprehensive Examination  Maximum 2 Years  Failure   to   which   lead  to termination of candidature from the program
 Degree Duration  Minimum 3 years (including course work duration and Research Dissertation)
 Maximum 8 years (including one-year extension with approval of Dean of faculty, Vice-Chancellor and     Director Postgraduate)
 Summer Session  For deficiency/failure, repetition of courses up to 6 credit hours (08 Weeks duration)
 Course Load  during   regular semesters for Regular Full-Time Students  11 Credit Hours

Admission Criteria

  1. At least 16/17 years of education in the relevant discipline, Minimum CGPA 2.0/4.00 or 60% marks from HEC recognized institute (preferably the undergraduate degree should be HEC attested or having HEC Equivalence certificate in case of foreign university education).
  2. Passed NTS GAT (General C) test, the University GAT (General) test or GRE subject by HEC authorized testing services.
  3. An interview with the MPhil Admission committee


ZU-ARM-901Advance Research Methodology3 (3+0)
ZU-AE-903Advanced Epidemiology

1 (1+0)

ZU-MBG-905Molecular Biology & Genetics3(2+1)
ZU-MDPT-907Major Discipline – I2(1+1)
ZU-ART-902Advanced Research Techniques2(2+0)
ZU-MDPT-900Major Discipline-II3(2+1)
ZU-AB-906Advanced Biostatistics1(1+0)
ZU-MDPT-904Major Discipline-III3 (2+1)
Ph.D. Fee Structure in PKR (Rs.)
 Fee Structure
GAT Fees 5,000
Admission fees 200,000
Semester I
Tuition Fees20000/credit hr (9 cr. hr)180000
Examination fees Semester 20000
Payable Amount 200000
Semester II
Tuition Fees20000/credit hr (9 cr. hr)180000
Examination fees Semester 20000
Comprehensive Exam 25,000
Payable Amount 225000
Semester III
Supervision Fees20000/credit hr (7.5 cr. hr)150000
Semester IV
Supervision Fees20000/credit hr (7.5 cr. hr)150000
Semester V
Supervision Fees20000/credit hr (7.5 cr. hr)150000
Semester VI
Supervision Fees20000/credit hr (7.5 cr. hr)150000
Foreign Evaluation Fee750$170250
Thesis Defence Fee 100000
Total Payable Amount (External)Total Payable Amount (External)1,500,250
Scholarship (Internal)Scholarship (Internal)200000

Note: Supervision fee shall be applicable till submission of thesis to examination department.